No Place for Hate

No Place For Hate

AISD's Whole Child/Every Child is a focus, which includes a plan for integrating the Anti-Defamation League's No Place for Hate campaign. The campaign highlights student coalitions that plan and implement projects and activities, resulting in students owning the projects and being responsible for enacting the campaign's main beliefs. No Place for Hate was developed to organize schools to work together and develop projects that enhance the appreciation of the lived experiences of all and foster harmony among different groups of people. The campaign empowers schools to promote respect for individual and group differences while challenging prejudice and bigotry.

Austin ISD has maintained the designation as the largest No Place for Hate school district in the nation for six years. More information about No Place for Hate can be found on the Anti-Defamation League's website.

What are AISD campuses doing?

There are many ways to engage students in developing No Place for Hate activities at your campus. You can meet with students during advisory, engage student leadership or create a lunch group. Choose a strategy that works for your students and your campus, but the goal is to form a Student Coalition that is responsible for making recommendations and deciding what activities your campus will submit to the Anti-Defamation League every school year.

Our Doss Owls are spreading sunshine as they share ideas on what they can do to make our school a kinder place where there is No Place for Hate. Just read some of their simple and beautiful solutions, and you are sure to smile.