Doss Owls News

Principal Newsletter Week: 01/13

Good morning Doss Families -    The SEL word of the month is PERSEVERANCE. And we definitely had to preserve through the freezing, wet weather last week!   

Principal Newsletter Week: 01/06

Happy New Year, Doss Families!   I hope this message finds you well and that you’ve all had a joyful and restful holiday season. As we welcome the new year, I want to extend my heartfelt wishes for happiness, health, and success to each of you.  

Calendar of Events

Today, I commit to my education. I do so realizing that a lot is expected of me. I do so knowing that I will have to study and work hard. I do so wanting to avoid anyone and anything that will tempt me not to succeed. I do so in respect and honor of the History Makers who have paved a way for me.