Principal Update 8/6

Good afternoon Doss families and community. I hope you are all well today.

As you know, the board will meet for a special voting session this evening at 9:00 P.M. via Facebook Live or AISD TV to vote on delaying the first day of virtual instruction from August 18 to September 8. I should have some brief information for you either tomorrow or Monday and then will host another parent/principal coffee either Monday or Tuesday next week.

Also, earlier this week, we shared the draft virtual schedule with our families on all of our online platforms. We were able to answer several questions at today’s parent/principal coffee. If you missed it, you can find the recorded video below.

Parent/Principal Coffee 8/6 Video


Parent Overview of Virtual Instruction

  • I am currently working on a document for parents that would better explain our approach to virtual learning and also provide helpful resources for parents….all in one document.
  • This document will be shared with families before the first day of instruction.

Calendar Of Events

  • I had originally planned to share our calendar of events today but held off due to the possibility of pushing back the start of instruction.
  • If there is a change, I hope to have an updated schedule developed by Tuesday, August 12.

Day Care Options for School Aged Children
