Parent/Principal Coffee 8/28 @ 10:30 A.M.

Good afternoon everyone.

It seems I confused everyone this morning by sending out two invites for parent/principal coffees. The original message from this morning was meant for our MCI (Mandarin Immersion) families to provide program specific information. That meeting is Friday, August 28th from 9:00-9:45 A.M. for MCI parents only.

The entire school parent/principal coffee is Friday, August 28th from 10:30-11:30. I will keep this specific time each week for the foreseeable future to continue to push out campus/district/state level information to you all. For Friday, I will share campus based information regarding our preparedness for starting school on September 8th virtually. I do not have any district level information to share at this time, so it may be a short meeting. I, of course, will answer any questions you may have.

Zoom For Parent/Principal Coffee @ 10:30 on 8/28

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Meeting ID: 847 9822 0637

Passcode: 6R4FkD

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