Live Tech Support Session (9/11 @ 10:30)

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and healthy today.

We will use tomorrow’s parent/principal coffee to provide tech support for the most prevalent tech issues we’ve experienced over the first few days of virtual instruction. Laurie Beaman will review the following key points during this session. Hill Elementary parents will also join our session as well to provide greater support for the vertical team.

Session Details

We will show a step by step for the BLEND-Seesaw workflow so that they understand how to provide the optimal user experience for their student(s). We will also do our best to field general questions about iPads and how they are managed, how to access your students information, and I will also share how to powerwash a Chromebook for those 3-5 who are having troubles.

As always, feel free to continue using the parent/principal technology padlet if you have tech questions throughout the week. We will do everything we can to support you.

Zoom Info

Meeting ID: 847 9822 0637

Passcode: 6R4FkD

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,84798220637#,,,,,,0#,,630518# US (Houston
