Counselor Connection October 2023

Welcome to October! Our counselor focus for October is on anti-bullying and No Place For Hate. Each year we reflect on what it means to be a No Place For Hate campus, this includes reviewing class contracts and norms. Ask your student about their class’ social contract if you haven’t already! As the year continues, be on the look out for more of Doss’ No Place For Hate Activities. Our first activity will be in November when we celebrate Kindness Week. Stay tuned for more Kindness Week information to follow in the next few weeks.




#1 During our October lessons, counselors will review the No Place For Hate promise and the reasons behind why we make this promise each year. View the NPFH promise here.

#1 All students will sign the No Place For Hate promise. This is a visual reminder that the Doss community does not tolerate hate. This year students are signing leaves we will add to a large tree at the front of our school.