Principal Newsletter Week: 01/13

Good morning Doss Families - 


The SEL word of the month is PERSEVERANCE. And we definitely had to preserve through the freezing, wet weather last week! 


Doss Science Fair is Wednesday, January 15th. Thank you to all of our parents and community members who will judge the Doss Science Fair on Wednesday, January 15th.  As a reminder, our participating 4th and 5th graders will present their project between 8:00-12:00.  Students who qualify to move on to regionals will be notified by the end of the day.  We will hold an open house for families to view the science fair projects from 6:00-7:00 P.M on January 15th should you wish to view all of our student's amazing work. If you have any questions, please reach out to Nathan Steenport (


If your child walks or bikes to or from school, please remind them about the importance of using the crosswalk when crossing streets. We watched students run across Far West Blvd between traffic this week. You can imagine how terrifying that is to watch. HERE is a Stay Safe Austin flyer provided by the city to review with your child(ren). 


Attention 5th grade families, you are invited to Murchison Middle School’s Choice Sheet Night on Tuesday, January 14, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Promptly at 5:45pm they will begin a presentation directed at incoming 6th graders. This event is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the courses and programs available to your students for the upcoming school year.


Have a wonderful week - 

Principal Sheridan

PS - We encourage all to register your student for the 25-26 school year through Enroll Austin. It seems early to register for the next school year, but accurate enrollment numbers assist AISD with staffing allocations and budgeting. We will hold a Parent Principal Coffee dedicated to Enroll Austin and registration soon.
