Good morning Doss Families -
Doss Elementary has a lineup of exciting events ahead, each offering wonderful opportunities to create lasting memories. For the Doss Sons, PTA is hosting Neon Night Owls on Feb. 28th at 6:30pm and for the Doss Daughters, PTA is hosting Hollywood Nights on March 7th at 6:30pm. Parents and caregivers you are not left out of the fun, PTA is hosting their annual spring adult party, Boots & Bling Doss Spring Fling on March 28th. Hope you are able to join the Doss community at these events!
Austin ISD Special Education is developing an Inclusion Workgroup that fosters equitable and inclusive educational environments for students with disabilities. This group will comprise family and community members, campus administrators, teachers, teacher assistants, and speech & related services providers. Members will collaborate to assess current inclusive practices, identify areas for growth, and implement strategies to support students effectively. Monthly meetings begin in April. AISD Special Education Inclusion Workgroup Application
I look forward to seeing you at the Parent Principal Coffee next Friday, March 7th. We will be discussing how to share your input for class making, cyber safety for children, and other campus happenings.
Friday, March 7th is National Cereal Day. We’d like to honor it by participating in a Cereal Box Domino Challenge. This is not a competition, we are asking for one cereal box donation per student.
Have a great week -
Principal Sheridan